Recover Debts for Your Dentist Office with These 2 Effective Tips

The phrase “debt collection” oftentimes makes people think of large-scale businesses. But it is not always the case. There are many medium-sized businesses that require debt recovery as well. And in this blog, we shall be talking about how a dentist office can recover debts from the clients i.e. patients.
While it may sound comparatively easy to collect debts from patients than a whole company, there are many things to be kept in mind, the first one being the emotional quotient. So, it is suggested to opt for collection agency services in Houston which will help you recover your debts with an equal amount of empathy and professionalism towards your client. If you are looking for such an agency in Houston, Texas, Nelson, Cooper & Ortiz, LLC is your best choice.
Here are 2 effective debt recovery tips for dental offices:
1. Collecting Past Due Payments:
It is very important to be consistent in keeping track of the past due payments. Another important thing to do is send invoices at regular intervals. After 2 or three invoices, when no contact is found to be made by the patient who has now turned a debtor, calling him or her is the next option.
Nelson, Cooper & Ortiz, LLC maintains records of all the past payments including those due. This enables them to give you a clear idea of the debts. Our collection agency professionals make sure that no stones are left unturned to help you recover your debts. That’s one of the promising commercial debt collection tips for dental offices that works seamlessly.
2. Final Notices
Sending final notices repeatedly may make you lose credibility. According to the Fair Debt Collection Practices Act (FDCPA), sending more than one final notice is considered harassment and the patient, if he or she feels so, can take you to the court on the basis of state or federal law.
Nelson, Cooper & Ortiz, LLC, a famous business debt collection agency in Houston , considers all the laws which relate to debt collection and work accordingly. They keep track of all the notices you sent to your patients before hiring them, including collection calls.
These 2 commercial debt collection strategies for dentist offices help recover debts from their patients.
In order to have the best collection agency services without ruining the relationship with your patients, visit or dial (800) 939-7213.